A man’s guide to meditation As awareness around mental health moves further up the agenda in numerous countries around the world, so do methods for helping yourself to stay calm, handle negative thoughts and build...
Five Top Tips for Maintaining a Car Learning how to take care of your car is one of those things that mark you out as a ‘proper’ adult, embracing the responsibilities that come with independence....
15 romantic ways to enjoy a date at home The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way that we live our lives. How we do our jobs, socialise with friends and pursue romantic relationships. We are...
Back to Basics: How to Choose Underwear for Men Socks, vests and pants: we all wear them but underwear for men is certainly not all born equal. There’s a vast range of designs, materials, sizes,...
What You Need to Know About Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty is the scientific name given to cosmetic surgery around the nose area. The procedure itself is commonly known as a ‘nose job’ and the first recorded rhinoplasty...
How to care for your hair in winter Winter hair care is very different to looking after your locks in the spring or summer. Colder temperatures, increased rain and snow storms and windy days all...
How to get rid of bags under your eyes Puffy, dark or swollen eyes can make you look much older than you really are and can really affect how you look overall. While they are...
10 style and fashion tips for men Rules can be as inevitable part of life as death and taxes; however, some are more interesting to follow than others. Take, for example, the rules of dressing...
How to choose an electric shaver Buying an electric shaver, whether for the first time or to upgrade your current set-up, requires several decision to be made to ensure you get the right equipment for...
How To Stop Post-Partum Hair Loss There are many things that you are not always told about, as a pregnant woman, about what to expect after giving birth. One of these is the possibility of...
How to bleach and dye your hair at home While many of us have gained the confidence during the global pandemic to give our hair a cautious trim, dyeing it seems to be a far...
Simple daily skin care routine for men Our skin often says a great deal about the state of our health and wellbeing. When people tell us, “you’re looking well!” it’s often because they can see...