Uzm. Dr. Mehmet İrfan Coşkun

1969 yılında Trabzon'da doğdu. Çaykara İnönü Lisesi'nden mezun olduktan sonra 1985 yılında girdiği Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'ni 1992'de bitirdi. 1993-1998 yılları arasında Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nde Psikiyatri dalında uzmanlığını yaptı. Mezun olduktan sonra sırasıyla Samsun Çarşamba Gökçeli Sağlık Ocağı, Trabzon Numune Hastası Başhekimliği, Trabzon Imperial Hastanesi Başhekimliği görevlerini yapmıştır.
Uzm. Dr. Mehmet İrfan Coşkun
Dr. Asuman Dinçer

Dr. Asuman Dinçer

Dr. Asuman Dinçer, 20 yılı aşkın süredir Anestezi Uzmanı olarak hekimlik yapmakta ve Sağlık Bakanlığı'ndan aldığı medikal estetik, Mezoterapi ve Ozonoterapi sertifikaları ile saç ekimi, dolgu, botoks ve mezoterapi alanlarında operasyonlar gerçekleştirmektedir. 1987-1993 yılları arasında Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nden mezun olmuştur. 1993-2020 yılları arasında Tuzla Devlet Hastanesi'nde Anestezi Uzmanı olarak çalışmıştır. Dr. Asuman Dinçer, hekimlik mesleğinin yanı sıra hastaların tüm anestezi operasyon sürecini bizzat yönetmektedir.

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The state-of-the-art hair transplant techniques that have been developed over the years have assisted to enhance the results to amazing natural looking levels. While it still depends on the skill and experience of the hair transplant surgeon somewhat, with some of the latest technologies, the results of hair transplant operation can look so natural that it may appear as though you never had any missing hair at all. Of course since the process has become much more meticulous and precise, this means that the end result is even more realistic when performed by a skilled surgeon. That being said, Turkey hair transplant will also change your look completely, most likely making sure you reacquire the look of your youth once again in a successful operation. During older hair transplant techniques large strips of skin with healthy hair follicles called grafts were removed from the nape or sides of the head and then were transplanted to the areas of baldness or where hair was thinning. Because these strips may have had a high amount of individual hairs looking in different directions attached to them, the results could look less than natural. But with modern techniques such as FUE, hair grafts are removed in smaller sections, sometimes even holding even a single follicle, and they are grafted to achieve a look as natural as possible.
In most cases, patients will see results of their hair transplant procedure between six and nine months after surgery. In some rare cases, it may take 12 months, because of the natural cycle of a hair follicle's life. It’s very important to note that between two and eight weeks after the procedure, all of the transplanted hair will fall out. This is normal and expected. In addition, by the third month after the procedure, the hair may look even thinner than before you had the transplant. Again, this is normal and expected. During this period, hair follicles are in the hibernation and rooting phases, where they connect with the infrastructure of your body to once again collect necessary nutrients and materials to grow healthy hair. During this phase, you may assist your hair by using medicine. Your doctor may recommend medicine that treats hair loss to get the best results from a hair transplant, as it will help to counter the natural hair loss and thinning that can continue in the area among the hair that already existed there.
FUE hair transplant procedure is painless when local anesthesia is used. FUE hair transplant procedure is a medical operation, even though it is less invasive and limited in scope than other operations. As such, it does cause some discomfort, usually defined by most patients as a mosquito bite, which can be annoying in large numbers. To alleviate this and to have the experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible, local anesthesia is provided to the patient via normal or needle free injector. The intravenous sedation to provide the local anesthesia is administered by an anaesthetist, depending on the age, weight and health conditions of the patient. This will not put the patient fully unconscious, but only relaxed and at ease. The high quality surgical steel grade tools that will be used during the procedure will also cause little, if any discomfort. In addition, it may be possible to use more specialized blades, and have the special wound dressings done right after the operation, then replaced the day after by our health-care professionals will affect the overall comfort of the patient.
The cost of Turkey hair transplantation depends on variables such as the number of grafts you need and the type of technique and technology used. The cost of a hair transplant in Turkey can range from $3,500 to $7,500, including accommodation and transportation costs, depending on the type of surgery required, the clinic chosen, and the surgeon assigned. In other parts of the world such as Dubai, Canada, London, the cost for the FUE hair transplant method can be as high as $12,000 to $30,000. Depending on your needs and wishes, your surgeon will examine your scalp and decide how many sessions you need. Approximately 3000,4500 grafts are transplanted in 1 session.
This will depend on the technique to be used. In FUT technique, where entire hair follicles and the surrounding cells are completely removed from beneath the scalp surface in stripes, hair regrowth in these strips at the donor site will not at all be possible. It is possible for hair regrowth to take place only in areas at the donor site where the hair follicles were not fully, but selectively removed. Hair is expected to grow back from either side of the incision made, and under some cases, from inside the incision only after the scar has fully healed. This is one of the primary reasons why expert doctors try to keep the donor scar as thin as possible. In most cases the hair transplant doctor will harvest follicles from an area in the scalp with the densest concentration of hair, so that this loss will be barely noticeable. Usually the remaining hair surrounding the donor area is more than enough to conceal the donor spots. Modern techniques such as FUE will not remove skin and hair in strips, but in smaller, even singular follicular batches. This will both cause less scarring and keep the donor areas almost invisible and unnoticeable.
The cost of a hair transplant is highly variable, ranging between $3.500 - $15.000 in general, which also depends on many factors, such as where you live, the type of procedure you choose, the skill of your surgeon, how much hair you want transplanted, and finally travel costs. As most insurance companies consider a hair transplant a cosmetic procedure, these costs are often paid all out of pocket of the patient.
It works by extracting hair from one part of the hair where it is displaying healthy growth and implanting it under surgical conditions into areas where hair may be lost or thinning. For example, the scalp, chin or eyebrows. After a while, the transplanted hairs fall out as part of the normal healing process. They are then replaced by permanent hairs, produced by the newly stimulated hair follicles underneath the skin.

Saç Ekimi Serüveninize Başlayın

Türkiye'de saç ekimi ameliyatı olmanın faydalarını düşünüyor musunuz? Belki de erkek tipi kellikten endişe duyuyorsunuz ya da kadın saç ekimi hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek veya Türkiye'de saç ekimi için en iyi yer hakkında bilgi edinmek istiyorsunuz. İleriye dönük en iyi yolu değerlendirmek için saç ekimi cerrahlarımız tarafından tam bir değerlendirme sunuyoruz. Bu, saçınız için mümkün olan en iyi sonuçları elde etmek için tamamen size özel bir yaklaşım sunar. Ekibimizle iletişime geçerek yolculuğunuza bugün başlayın. Seçenekleriniz hakkında sizinle konuşabilir ve maliyetleri, zamanlamaları ve ne bekleyeceğinizi tartışabiliriz.