Hair Transplant Side Effects
Dr. Sedat Öz
Written by Dr. Sedat Öz
1 July 2024
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Transplanting hair from one part of the scalp to another is a typical operation in hair restoration surgery. The procedure is generally considered safe and effective for treating hair loss in males and females. It is important to know about the side effects so that an individual makes an informed decision about whether or not to undergo the procedure. Knowing the risks associated with this surgery helps to decide if it is right. Hair transplant refers to the larger context in which the procedure takes place. It includes the social, cultural, economic, and political factors that influence the decision to undergo hair transplant surgery, as well as the availability and accessibility of the procedure. It is important to understand the macro-context of hair transplant because it affects the patient’s decision-making process and the outcomes of the surgery. The social and cultural norms of a particular society influence the perceived attractiveness of different hairstyles and the pressure to conform to certain standards of appearance. Economic factors, such as the procedure’s turkey hair transplant cost and insurance coverage availability, play a role in the decision to undergo hair transplant surgery. Understanding the macro-context helps healthcare providers tailor their care to meet their patient’s specific needs and expectations and address potential barriers to care. It helps researchers and policymakers understand the factors influencing the demand for hair transplant surgery and the factors that impact its accessibility and availability. According to the National Library of Medicine, hair transplantation complications are rare due to the scalp’s strong blood supply, which allows for quick healing and low infection rates. However, some potential complications include oedema (occurring in 5% of cases), bleeding (occurring in 0.5% of cases), folliculitis, temporary numbness of the scalp, temporary shedding of native hairs at the donor or recipient site, epidermal cysts, ingrown hairs, and infection (affecting less than 1% of patients). Many patients wonder, “Do hair transplants hurt?” Typically, discomfort during the procedure is minimal due to local anesthesia, though some soreness and mild pain may be experienced afterward. Most complications are self-limited and are treated with warm compresses, shampooing, and antibiotics if necessary.

Listed below are the fifteen side-effects of Turkey hair transplant surgery.

  • Numbness: Numbness is a common side effect of hair transplants. It happens when the scalp is injected with anesthetic, causing it to feel tingly and numb for several hours or days. It is uncomfortable but usually isn’t serious. Contact a doctor immediately if the numbness lasts more than a few days.


  • Itching: Itching is a common side effect of hair transplants. People who have undergone the procedure often experience itchy sensations on their scalp and even develop small bumps or rashes.
  • Bleeding scalp: A bleeding scalp is a common side effect of hair transplantation. Tiny incisions are made in the scalp to insert hair follicles which cause minor bleeding and discomfort.

bleeding scalp

  • Swelling: Swelling is a common side effect of hair transplants. It occurs when the scalp becomes inflamed and red, causing it to feel tender or even painful in some cases. Swelling causes facial puffiness due to the scalp’s pressure around the eyes, forehead and cheeks.


  • Pain: Pain is one of the more common side effects reported by patients and ranges from mild discomfort to sharp, throbbing pains. Experiencing significant pain indicates an underlying problem, although most doctors assume that pain is an expected and normal part of the recovery process.
  • Thinning of hair growth: Thinning of hair growth is an unavoidable side effect of hair transplantation, and it is something that every recipient has to be aware of.
  • Headaches: Headaches are a common side effect of hair transplants. The type of pain varies from person to person and ranges in severity.
  • Dizziness: Dizziness is a common side effect of having a hair transplant. It is caused by the medications used during and after the procedure and the physical stress on the body from the surgery itself.
  • Scalp infections: Scalp infections are a potential side effect of hair transplant procedures. The infections occur at the surgical site, where the hair follicles are removed and transplanted. They are caused by bacteria or fungus that enter the skin through the incision made during the procedure.
  • Scarring: Scarring is a side effect of a hair transplant. It happens when the person receiving the transplant has skin that does not heal easily or if the process was done incorrectly.
  • Cysts: A cyst is a lump that forms under the skin as an unwanted side effect of hair transplant surgery. The lumps are typically filled with fluid and are painful, itchy or uncomfortable.
  • Hiccups: Hiccups are an unexpected side effect of hair transplants. It is because the procedure involves making tiny cuts in the scalp, which cause irritation and lead to hiccups.
  • Chest pain: Chest pain is a potential side effect of hair transplant surgery. The discomfort is mild or severe, ranging from aches to sharp pains.
  • Sexual Dysfunction: Hair transplant surgery cause sexual dysfunction in some individuals. It means people experience a decreased libido or difficulty getting and maintaining an erection or achieving an orgasm.
  • Hand, foot, and breast swelling: Hand, foot, and breast swelling are side effects that some people experience after a hair transplant. It causes discomfort, soreness, and redness in the affected areas. The symptoms usually go away within a few days or weeks but are not monitored for any changes.

The most common side effects of a Turkey hair transplant procedure are swelling of the scalp, bruising, and pain. The side effects are typically mild and resolve independently within a few days to a week after the procedure. Other possible side effects of a hair transplant include bleeding, infection, and allergic reactions to the anesthesia or other medications used during the procedure. Understanding hair transplant risks is crucial before undergoing the procedure, including potential complications such as bleeding, scarring, and temporary shock loss.

1. Bleeding Scalp

The bleeding scalp after a hair transplant is a common condition caused by the trauma of the procedure and the use of instruments. There are three types of bleeding scalp conditions: immediate bleeding, which occurs shortly after the procedure; delayed bleeding, which occurs a few days to a week after the procedure and is caused by the breakdown of blood clots; and continuous bleeding, which is caused by a damaged blood vessel. The severity of the bleeding depends on the type and location of the bleeding and is more likely to occur in people with certain risk factors. The FUT and FUE techniques potentially cause some scalp bleeding. Dr. Jerry Cooley is a specialist in this field.

2. Thinning of Hair Growth

Hair thinning, known as “shock loss,” is a temporary condition after a hair transplant. It is characterized by the shedding of both transplanted and non-transplanted hairs, leading to decreased hair density. There are two subtypes of hair thinning, telogen effluvium and androgenetic alopecia. Telogen effluvium is caused by physical or emotional stress, surgery, or certain medications and usually resolves on its own within a few months. Androgenetic alopecia is caused by inherited sensitivity to a hormone and occurs more frequently in patients predisposed to it. Hair thinning ranges from mild to severe and occurs in about 10-15% of hair transplant cases. The Norwood Scale, developed by Dr. O’Tar Norwood, is a widely used classification system for male pattern baldness that helps improve the accuracy and predictability of hair transplant procedures.

3. Itching

Itching is a normal part of the healing process after a hair transplant. It occurs as hair follicles repair and new hair begin to grow. The severity of itching varies from mild to severe and is more common in certain techniques like FUT and less common in techniques like FUE. Dr. Robert Bernstein, a renowned hair restoration surgeon and founder of Bernstein Medical, has made significant contributions to the field of hair transplantation and the development of techniques like FUE.

4. Scalp Infections

Infections on the scalp occur after a hair transplant procedure and range from mild to severe. Causes include poor hygiene, improper aftercare and contaminated instruments. Types of scalp infections include folliculitis, cellulitis and abscesses. The severity varies depending on the type and extent of the infection. Hair transplant infection is a potential risk following the procedure, but with proper post-operative care and antibiotic treatment, infections can often be prevented or managed effectively. Proper care and treatment resolve mild infections, while more severe infections require additional treatment such as antibiotics or surgical drainage. Proper aftercare and maintaining good hygiene help minimize the risk of scalp infections after a hair transplant. Dr. Norman Orentreich made significant contributions to the field, developing the concept of hair transplantation in the 1950s and conducting pioneering research on the use of hair transplantation to restore hair loss caused by male pattern baldness, which set the foundation for modern techniques.

5. Scarring

Scarring after a hair transplant procedure refers to the formation of scar tissue at the site where hair follicles have been transplanted. Several types of scarring occur, including linear scarring, hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, and keloid scarring. The severity of scarring varies and depends on the transplant’s technique, the surgeon’s skill, and the individual’s healing process. The traditional strip method of hair transplantation (Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT) sometimes results in more noticeable scarring due to the linear incision made, while the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method, which involves the removal of individual hair follicles without a linear incision, resulting in less noticeable scarring. Dr. Robert Bernstein, a renowned hair restoration surgeon, has developed techniques to minimize scarring and improve the aesthetic outcome of hair transplant procedures.

6. Cysts

Cysts are closed sacs that contain fluids, gases, or other substances and occur anywhere in the body. Three main types of cysts occur epidermoid, pilar, and sebaceous after hair transplantation surgery. They are considered a rare complication of the procedure, but the risk is higher for people with a history of cysts or certain underlying medical conditions. It is unclear which hair transplantation techniques increase the risk of developing a cyst. Dr. Bobby Limmer, a board-certified plastic surgeon, has researched and published on hair transplantation, including the risk of developing cysts.

7. Pain

Pain is a common side effect of hair transplantation procedures and ranges in intensity from mild to moderate. It is experienced in the head’s scalp, forehead, and back. Several types of pain are experienced after a hair transplant, including incisional pain caused by the incisions made during the procedure, suture-related pain from the sutures used to close the incisions, swelling, and itching. The severity of the pain varies based on the individual and the technique used, with larger graft techniques such as strip harvesting or FUT potentially causing more pain than techniques using smaller grafts like FUE. Dr. William Rassman is a renowned researcher in hair transplantation, particularly for his work on FUE procedures.

8. Swelling

It is common for the forehead and eyelids to swell two to six days after hair transplant surgery. The swelling is caused by several factors, such as edema (fluid accumulation in the tissue), hematoma (collection of blood outside of a blood vessel), seroma (collection of clear, watery fluid), or infection. Swelling severity varies from person to person and is determined by the size of the transplant and the healing process of the individual. Swelling peaks on the second or third day after the surgery and resolves within a week or two typically. However, every person is different, and some experience more or less swelling than others. FUT (follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant techniques cause swelling after the procedure. Dr. Raymond Konior, a hair loss specialist based in Chicago, IL, notes that swelling is a common and temporary side effect of virtually any surgical procedure and is usually not a cause for concern in hair transplant patients.

9. Numbness

It is common for hair transplant recipients to experience numbness after the procedure. Anaesthesia usually numbs the area being treated during surgery due to local anesthesia. The numbness usually disappears within a few days to a week after the procedure. Two types of numbness occur after a hair transplant: partial numbness, when only part of the treated area is numb, and complete numbness when the entire treated area is numb. The severity of numbness varies from person to person, ranging from a mild tingling sensation to a complete loss of sensation in the treated area. The amount of local anesthesia used during the procedure affects the severity of the numbness. Numbness after a hair transplant is common, especially after procedures that involve large amounts of local anesthesia, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplantation. Dr. Bernard Nusbaum, a board-certified dermatologist, and hair transplant surgeon, is a leading researcher in the field of hair transplantation and has published many articles on the subject and contributed to developing new techniques.

10. Hiccups

Hiccups are a common side effect after a hair transplant procedure caused by various factors such as eating quickly, consuming carbonated drinks, or feeling anxious or stressed. Two types of hiccups occur, acute and persistent, with varying severity and duration. Hiccups are more likely in people who have undergone larger hair transplant procedures or have underlying medical conditions that increase their risk of hiccups. The FUE and FUT techniques, which involve transplanting individual hair follicles or a strip of scalp, respectively, to an area of hair loss, cause hiccups after the procedure. Dr. Blair P. Grubb has made significant contributions to the study of hiccups through his research and publications.

11. Chest Pain

Chest pain is an uncommon but possible side effect of hair transplantation, caused by swelling, inflammation, nerve damage, or infection. It is acute (sudden and severe but short-lived) or chronic (persistent and lasting for several days or weeks). The severity of the pain ranges from mild to severe. It is important to seek medical attention if chest pain is experienced after a hair transplant, as it indicates a more serious underlying condition. Chest pain is not a typical complication of hair transplant procedures but occurs in people with underlying health issues or who have had a particularly complex or extensive procedure. Techniques such as FUE, FUT, and scalp reduction potentially cause chest pain. Dr. William Rassman is a renowned expert in the field of hair transplantation who has contributed to the advancement of techniques such as FUE and FUT and has published research on the safety and effectiveness of hair transplant procedures.

12. Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction is not a common complication following hair transplant surgery. Temporary changes in sensitivity or function of the genital area occur due to swelling or irritation but typically resolve within a few weeks or months. There are four main categories of sexual dysfunction: desire disorders, arousal disorders, orgasm disorders, and pain disorders. Dr. Dhanraj Chavan has stated that hair transplant surgery does not cause sexual dysfunction, as it is a mechanical process that does not directly impact sexual function. It is worth noting that temporary sexual dysfunction is a side effect of finasteride, a medication used to treat hair loss, but it is not very common and is not caused by the procedure itself.

13. Hand, Foot and Breast Swelling

The swelling that occurs after surgery, including hair transplants, is normal. However, suppose someone experiences swelling in their hands, feet, or breasts after a hair transplant. In that case, they need to speak with their surgeon or a medical professional, as it is a sign of an underlying medical condition or a complication from the procedure. Possible causes of hand, foot, and breast swelling after a hair transplant include edema, allergic reactions, infections, blood clots, and lymphedema. It only occurs in the area where the procedure was performed and resolved within a week. No known hair transplant technique causes hand, foot, and breast swelling. It is important to seek medical attention if someone experiences unusual or concerning symptoms after a hair transplant to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

14. Headaches

Headaches are a common side effect of hair transplant procedures and are caused by surgical techniques. Different headaches occur after a hair transplant, including tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches. Tension headaches are the mildest form, while migraines and cluster headaches are more severe. The severity and frequency of headaches vary based on the individual and the surgical technique used. Some people experience a headache immediately after the procedure, while others develop one several days or weeks later. Surgical techniques such as strip excision and follicular unit extraction cause tension and swelling in the scalp, which contributes to developing a headache.

15. Dizziness

Dizziness is a common side effect after a hair transplantation procedure, caused by factors such as sedation or anesthesia, head position, dehydration, or low blood sugar. The severity varies, with some experiencing mild dizziness that goes away quickly and others experiencing more severe dizziness that persists for longer. It is important to discuss potential side effects with a qualified healthcare provider before undergoing the procedure. Dr. Walter P. Unger is a well-known hair transplant surgeon and researcher who has made significant contributions to the field and has published articles on the subject, including work on micrografts and mini grafts, which improve the naturalness and durability of results.

What Are The Rare Side Effects of Hair Transplants?

Hair transplants are a popular option for many people looking to improve the appearance of their hair, but there are some rare side effects to be aware of. It’s important to understand what happens and how to spot any problems before they become serious although these risks are relatively small. Listed below are the rare side effects of hair transplants.

  • Infection: Infection is rare when a skilled doctor performs a procedure in a reputable clinic. However, it is still possible for the infection to occur. A prescription of antibiotics from the doctor effectively resolves the issue.
  • Scalp swelling and eye bruises: The patient’s scalp (recipient area) becomes swollen due to fluid formation in rare cases; it causes pain and discomfort. The swelling resolve within a few days, but if it persists, the patient needs to consult a doctor. A scalp procedure is related to eye bruises. It flows down to the area around the eyes and causes the formation of eye bruises or a black eye if fluid builds up on the scalp. It is a temporary issue that resolves within a few days.
  • Bruising around the head: Severe bruising around the forehead, cheeks, and eyes that lasts more than two days and causes black eyes is a rare side effect of hair transplantation.

What Are The Severe Side Effects of Hair Transplant?

The severe side effects of hair transplants are listed below.

  • Hiccups: The precise cause of hiccups after a hair transplant is still unknown; however, it’s assumed that the irritation of the phrenic nerve sparks contractions in the diaphragm, which leads to the hiccups. Possible causes are agitation of the nerves around the scalp, bloating from gulping air during surgery or drinking bubbly drinks, and taking certain drugs such as steroids through the procedure. All the factors potentially affect the phrenic nerve and result in hiccups.
  • Infections: A grave risk of hair transplants is a microbial infestation. It happens when microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi, infiltrate the body and cause illness. Maintaining the grafted region clean and free from harmful materials is essential to avoid infections.
  • Temporary or permanent loss of feeling in the transplanted area: Hair transplants bring about a drastic consequence, where the person either endures short-term or long-lasting numbness in the region of their body which was treated. It implies they are not capable of feeling anything in that particular spot, and it causes prickling or tingling sensations.

What are the most common side effects of Hair Transplants?

The following are some of the typical issues that can happen after a hair transplant.

  • Bleeding: It is normal to have some bleeding or drainage from the incision sites after the procedure. It continues for a few days after the surgery but gradually decreases.
  • Numbness: Hair transplant surgery causes numbness, typically a temporary side effect that disappears within a few days or weeks. The numbness is usually due to the local anesthesia administered during the surgery and affects the areas of the scalp where the procedure was performed. The numbness is more severe and persists for longer sometimes, particularly if the surgery is more extensive or if the patient has existing nerve damage.
  • Thinning of hair: Hair thinning is a potential side effect of hair transplant surgery. It seems counterintuitive that hair thinning occurs after a procedure designed to promote hair growth. Still, it is not uncommon for hair thinning and shedding to occur shortly after the transplant. It is typically a temporary occurrence.
  • Itching: Itching is a common and normal side effect after a hair transplant surgery, as it is the body’s natural way of healing itself. However, it is important to avoid scratching or itching the scalp excessively, as it damages or disturbs the newly implanted, delicate hair follicles.
  • Pimples: It is possible to develop pimples as a side effect of a hair transplant procedure. The pimples which occur within the two years following the transplant are caused by folliculitis, a condition in which the new hair is trying to grow. They are treated by applying antibiotic ointment for five days.

What Are The Precautions for Hair Transplant Side Effects?

Here are some safety tips to help avoid any complications from a hair transplant.

  • Bleeding Scalp: The patient takes several precautions to minimize the risk of bleeding during and after hair transplant surgery. It includes avoiding blood-thinning medications (such as aspirin) for at least a week before the surgery unless otherwise instructed by the surgeon, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco use for at least a week before the surgery, informing the surgeon about any medical conditions and medications the patient is taking, and following the surgeon’s instructions for pre-surgery care, such as washing the scalp with a prescribed solution.
  • Thinning of hair growth: It is recommended that a person discuss the hair transplant procedure with their doctor to gain a thorough understanding of the process and potential risks and side effects. A person needs to follow their doctor’s pre-surgery instructions and consider alternative treatments, such as medications or topical treatments, to stimulate hair growth. People are responsible for caring for their scalps to promote healthy hair growth by washing them regularly with a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo and avoiding harsh styling products. A healthy diet that balances nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, and minerals, supports healthy hair growth.
  • Itching: It is recommended to discuss the possibility of itching with the doctor before a hair transplant. The doctor prescribes medication to reduce the risk of itching. It is important to avoid scratching the transplanted area and to use gentle, non-irritating products to wash the hair. The transplanted area is clean, dry, and protected from heat and sunlight. Medications are prescribed to reduce itching, and a moisturizing lotion or cream is applied to the area to promote healing. Avoid activities that cause sweating or strain the scalp to prevent stressing the transplanted area.
  • Scalp Infection: The patient needs to follow all pre- and post-procedure instructions provided by the surgeon or medical team. It includes taking prescribed antibiotics or other medications and avoiding certain activities or exposures. The patient has to keep the area clean and dry, avoid shampooing or washing their hair for a certain period after the procedure, and use only the products recommended by the surgeon. Additionally, the patient has to avoid scratching or picking at the transplanted area, exposing it to dirt or dust, participating in strenuous activity or exercise, and wearing tight clothing or headgear. They have to immediately contact the surgeon or medical team if the patient notices any signs of infection.
  • Scarring: Several actions are taken to reduce the probability of scarring following a hair transplant. One option is to select a hair transplant surgeon who is skilled and has a lot of experience, as they are more likely to minimize scarring. It is important to carefully follow the pre-and post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon, which include recommendations for scalp and hair care. Additionally, avoiding excessive sun exposure and using harsh hair products or styling techniques help to prevent irritation and scarring. The surgeon has to be informed before the procedure if there is a history of scarring or keloid formation so that additional precautions are taken. Using topical scar treatment products is beneficial in softening and smoothing out scars, making them less noticeable.
  • Cysts: Choosing a reputable and experienced surgeon with a good track record is important to reduce the risk of developing cysts after a hair transplant. The potential risks and side effects have to be discussed during the consultation with the surgeon, who advises minimizing the risks. Following the surgeon’s post-operative care instructions help reduce the risk of complications. Tight hairstyles are not recommended, as they pressure the transplanted hair and increase the cysts’ risk. Use only gentle hair care products, and the transplanted area has to be kept clean to reduce the risk of infection and the development of cysts.
  • Swelling: The patient has to follow the surgeon’s instructions carefully, including any instructions for caring for the transplant site and taking medications as directed. They have to avoid direct exposure to sunlight in the treated area for at least a week after the procedure. The patient has to avoid sleeping on their face or rubbing it against a pillow for at least a week after the procedure. They have to avoid taking hot showers or baths for at least a week after the procedure. They have to use cold compresses on the treated area to help reduce swelling. They have to contact their surgeon for further evaluation and guidance if patients notice any unusual swelling or other concerning symptoms after their hair transplant.
  • Hiccups: It is recommended to avoid eating large meals immediately after the surgery and to stick to small, easy-to-digest meals for the initial few days to decrease the risk of hiccups as a side effect following hair transplant surgery. Carbonated drinks, alcohol, and spicy foods have to be avoided for the first week after the surgery, as it irritates the digestive system and increases the risk of hiccups. Maintaining hydration by drinking plenty of water is important, as dehydration sometimes causes hiccups. Avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke, as it irritates the throat and causes hiccups. Drinking a glass of water, eating a spoonful of sugar, or holding one’s breath for as long as possible help stop the hiccups.

Dr. Aman Dua, MBBS, MD, FISHRS wrote an article about the ten side effects of hair transplant surgery. Dr. Dua has 14 years of experience in Dermatology and Hair Transplant and is the Chief Dermatologist, Co-Founder, and Managing Director at AK Clinics. The article aims to educate patients about the common side effects of hair transplant surgery and how to recover from them. The National Library of Medicine has an article about hair transplantation that discusses different techniques, complications, risks, and other relevant information about the procedure.

How do Side-effects of Hair Transplant Change according to Hair Transplant Types?

Listed below are the changes in side effects of hair transplant according to hair transplant types.

Follicular Unit Transplant

  • Unnatural-looking hair: It occurs if the hair follicles are not transplanted correctly or if the hair does not grow evenly or as expected.
  • Bumps or scarring: There is a risk of scarring or bumps forming at the site of the transplanted hair follicles. The bumps are itchy or uncomfortable and sometimes visible under the skin.
  • Inflammation of hair follicles (folliculitis): It is an infection of the hair follicles that cause redness, swelling, and bumps on the skin.
  • Bleeding: There is some bleeding during or after the surgery, which is usually minor and stops on its own.
  • Swelling: Swelling is a common side effect of FUT and occurs around the eyes, forehead, or scalp.
  • Pain: Some people experience pain or discomfort after the surgery, which is managed with pain medication.
  • Numbness: There is some numbness or tingling in the scalp after the surgery, which is usually temporary.
  • Cysts: There are rare cases in that cysts form at the site of the transplanted hair follicles. It is usually treated with medication or surgically removed.

Follicular Unit Extraction

  • Swelling, itching, and discomfort: It is common for the donor site or forehead to be swollen and itchy after a hair transplant procedure. It is crucial not to scratch the treated area to avoid negative consequences, as doing so leads to scabs and potentially worsens itching or increases the likelihood of hair loss in newly transplanted hair follicles. Some individuals experience discomfort, for which pain medication is taken as directed to manage any discomfort.
  • Shock loss: the temporary loss of transplanted hair often occurs within the first ten days after a hair transplant surgery. The loss is normal and occurs due to the shock the hair follicles experience from being extracted and transplanted. Although the transplanted hair falls out, the follicular unit remains intact, and new hair growth starts within two to three months. The new hair growth increase in thickness for approximately six to nine months.
  • Scarring: Follicular unit extraction involves using punches with a small diameter, which results in fewer and less noticeable scars on the donor site. The scars appear small, circular, and scattered, but they are easily hidden by keeping the hair short. Overall, the technique causes significantly less scarring than other hair transplantation methods.
  • Patching: Follicular hair extraction does not cause patching immediately, but if hair loss continues from other areas of the scalp, patching eventually occurs. It means that bald or thin patches surround areas of the head with a hair transplant. They need to undergo another transplant procedure if patients want to address the patching and treat further hair loss.

Generally, FUE (follicular unit extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transplantation) procedures have similar side effects, including swelling, numbness, pain, scarring, and itching. Side effects are fairly common due to the surgical procedure and the body’s natural healing process. It is usually temporary and resolves independently within a few weeks or months.

What are the FUE Hair Transplantation Side-effects?

FUE hair transplantation involves making incisions in the skin and manipulating tissue and carries a risk of side effects as with any surgical procedure. FUE hair transplant side effects may include temporary swelling, itching, and numbness in the donor and recipient areas, which usually subside within a few weeks post-procedure. The body’s natural response to surgery is swelling and inflammation at the incision sites, which lead to discomfort and other side effects. Anaesthesia and other medications used during the procedure contribute to side effects. Possible side effects of FUE hair transplantation include pain, which is usually managed with prescribed pain medication; swelling, which usually subsides within a week; bleeding at the donor and recipient sites, which is controlled with direct pressure; infection at the donor and recipient sites, which is minimized by following the doctor’s instructions for wound care and taking any prescribed antibiotics; scarring at the donor site due to the small incisions made to extract the hair follicles; numbness or tingling at the donor and recipient sites, which is usually temporary and resolves on its own within a few weeks; altered hair growth, which result in an uneven or unnatural appearance; and allergic reactions to the anesthesia or other medications used during the procedure. The risk and specific side effects of FUE hair transplantation vary widely among individuals and depend on factors such as overall health, the extent of the procedure, and the individual’s response to the surgery and medications. Discussing any concerns about side effects with a doctor before the procedure is important. Most people who undergo FUE hair transplantation tolerate the procedure well and experience minimal side effects.

What are the FUT Hair Transplantation Side-effects?

A FUT hair transplant leads to various unappealing results, from unnatural-looking locks to bumps and scarring. There is pain, tenderness, bleeding, swelling, cysts or numbness. Reasons range from the direction of transplanted strands, their thickness or color, infection, nerve injury, scar formation or an immune reaction by the body. Ultimately, anyone considering FUT hair transplant treatment has to be aware that side effects vary in seriousness and likelihood depending on general health, how much hair has been lost and what techniques were used during the process. It is important to carefully follow all post-treatment advice and take any prescribed medications as instructed to reduce any risk of complications.

What Are The PRP Hair Transplantation Side-effects?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) hair transplantation is a medical procedure in which a person’s blood is drawn. The plasma is separated and injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth. There are some potential side effects that people experience while PRP hair transplantation is generally considered safe. It includes dizziness, nausea, scalp pain, irritation during the healing process, scar tissue at the injection site, and injury to blood vessels and nerves. The side effects of PRP hair transplantation are related to the procedure itself or the medications used during the procedure. It is possible for anyone who undergoes PRP hair transplantation to experience side effects. Still, not everyone who undergoes the procedure experiences them, and many people do not have significant or long-lasting effects.

How Does Hair Transplant Work?

The Turkey hair transplant is a medical treatment that involves moving hair from one part of the body, called the donor site, to a bald or balding part of the body, known as the recipient site. The procedure is often used to treat male pattern baldness, a common form of hair loss that affects many men. Hair loss is a distressing problem for a significant portion of the population, including up to 85% of males and 40% of females, and it becomes more common with age for both sexes. There are two main methods of hair transplantation: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). A strip of skin with hair follicles is removed from the donor site in FUT, typically the back or sides of the head, and dissected into individual follicular units, which are small groups of one to four hairs. The units are then transplanted to the recipient site. Individual follicular units are directly removed from the donor site using a small punch tool and transplanted to the recipient site in FUE. FUT and FUE procedures are done with local anesthesia and take several hours to complete. It is normal for the hair to fall out and then regrow over the next several months after the transplant. The newly transplanted hair grows like natural hair. It is important to note that hair transplants are not suitable for everyone, and a qualified healthcare professional is consulted to determine if the procedure is appropriate. hair transplant procedure

Is Hair Transplant 100% Successful?

Hair transplant success rates are generally high, with 90-95% of grafted hair remaining in good condition. Patient satisfaction is often used to measure the success of a hair transplant. A study of patients who had received a combination of head and body/beard hair via FUE reported an average satisfaction rating of 8.3 out of 10 about three years after the procedure. It is important to note that it takes up to a year or more for the final results of a hair transplant to be visible, and some shedding of the transplanted hair is normal in the initial recovery period. A skilled surgeon needs to provide a full head of hair that lasts a lifetime, although the hair is still thin or grey due to natural aging.

Does Hair Transplant Hurt?

No, hair transplant surgery is relatively painless, with most people not experiencing significant discomfort during or after the surgery. However, some individuals feel mild tightness or itching on the scalp. The area where the hair is transplanted is numbed with a local anesthetic before the procedure to minimize discomfort. Additionally, some people are given a sedative to help them relax during the surgery. The scalp is sore and tender for a few days after the procedure, but pain medication alleviates discomfort. Most people resume their normal activities within a few days of the surgery. However, it is important to follow the post-surgery instructions provided by the surgeon to ensure proper healing. It is important to speak with the surgeon beforehand if there are any concerns about pain during the surgery, to get more specific information and strategies for managing discomfort.

Are There Always Side Effects During and after Hair Transplant Treatment?

Hair transplant procedures sometimes have side effects, but the likelihood and severity of the side effects vary from person to person. Some people do not experience any side effects, while others have more noticeable side effects. The quality of the grafts and the technique used play a role in the appearance of side effects. Using lower-quality grafts or a less precise technique increases the risk of scarring or other unwanted side effects. Using high-quality grafts and a well-established technique help reduce the risk of side effects and improve the overall appearance of the transplanted hair. Talking to a qualified hair transplant specialist about a hair transplant procedure’s potential risks and benefits before undergoing any treatment is important.

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