Hair Treatments: Procedure, Types and Effects

What Is Hair Treatment? Hair treatments are usually applied to any method of regulating common hair-related conditions including hair loss, dryness, dandruff, frizz, thinning hair, and so on. Because multiple medicines and the facets require...

15 Side-Effects of Hair Transplant Surgery

Transplanting hair from one part of the scalp to another is a typical operation in hair restoration surgery. The procedure is generally considered safe and effective for treating hair loss in males and females. It...

Is Hair Transplant Painful?

Hair transplant surgery is a procedure that involves moving hair from one area of the scalp to another. The operation is typically carried out on men and women with thinning or falling hair. One of...

10 Reasons for Having a Hair Loss

Hair loss, or alopecia, is defined by hair loss from the scalp and other body areas. It affects both sexes and has several probable causes, including genetics, hormonal fluctuations, sickness, and drug use. Androgenetic alopecia,...

19 Things to Avoid After Hair Transplant Procedure

Avoiding particular things after Turkey hair transplant procedure is necessary as they are able to interfere with the healing process and potentially cause drawbacks. It helps to ensure successful healing and optimal outcomes. The surgeon...

Hair Loss: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, and Best Treatments

Hair loss is a condition that affects many people of all ages. It causes anxiety and distress, making it difficult to feel confident in a person's skin. Hair loss occurs when hair follicles shrink over...

13 Things You Should Never Do When Growing Out Your Hair After Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure involving the transfer of hair follicles from a healthy portion of the scalp, known as the donor area, to a bald or thinning portion of the scalp, known...

10 Ways How to Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss is the thinning or complete absence of hair on one's head. Genetic factors, hormonal changes, medical conditions, or aging cause it. According to NYU Langone Medical Center, more than 80% of men and...

16 Best Home Remedies for Hair Growth

Hair growth is an often desired goal, and thankfully, there are some natural remedies that have been proven to be effective. Home remedies are a popular choice for those looking to promote hair growth. Many...

Hair Loss Due to Iron Deficiency, Symptoms and Treatment

Iron is essential for producing hemoglobin, which helps red blood cells deliver oxygen to our body. Iron deficiency anemia is a problem that occurs when the body does not have enough iron or the body...

Hair Plugs: Definition, How It Works, Benefits, Side-Effects, and Cost

Hair plugs procedure is a form of surgery that removes hair from the donor location and transplants it to the recipient site, where hair is thinning or lacking. It treats male and female pattern baldness...

Hormonal Effects on Hair Follicles

Hormones are substances that are produced inside the body that partake in different kinds of processes and cause significant changes in the body. Hormones are involved in the daily regulation of the human body to...

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